Nine Ways To Protect Your Technology Company From DDoS Attacks
DDoS attacks can wreak havoc on your company’s efficiency if you’re not careful. The Mirai botnet — malware that can be used for large-scale network attacks — can often go undetected due to common oversights and lack of preparation. It may be daunting to think about how IoT devices that make your company run smoothly […]
The Top 5 Security Functions To Outsource
The cyber-security talent shortage is something that we repeatedly hear about and see firsthand in our consulting work. According to some sources, there are currently up to 200,000 unfilled security positions in the United States, and an estimated one million open positions globally. By 2019, experts say there could be 1.5 million unfilled cyber-security jobs. […]
In Cyber, Who Do We Trust to Protect the Business?
If business leaders and directors continue to view cybersecurity as mainly a matter for the IT department, they will leave their companies exposed to significant risks. The heightened level of attention to the proliferation of cyberattacks has yielded many outcomes, but none more notable than the recognition that responsibility for cyber risks no longer lies […]